T.R. MuglerThe Political Football of FreedomThe summer months are winding down and our children will soon be back in the classroom. What books they read, what history they learn, will…Aug 21Aug 21
T.R. MuglerUsing Gender to Legalize DiscriminationDiscrimination has a long and sordid history in the world, and the United States of America embedded it into its very foundation. Woven…Mar 31, 2023Mar 31, 2023
T.R. MuglerThe Gender of Justice: Part FourThe more women demand equality the least safe we become. The 1967 bullhorn over the segregation of ‘want ads’ in the New York Times quickly…Mar 23, 2023Mar 23, 2023
T.R. MuglerPart Three: The Gender of JusticeThe ultimate crime against a woman, rape, wasn’t always viewed as a crime at all. From an acceptable tactic in war to the bedrooms of…Mar 12, 2023Mar 12, 2023
T.R. MuglerThe Gender of JusticeOutside any courthouse you can find a blindfolded lady constructed in concrete, proudly holding the scales of righteousness, the sword of…Mar 2, 20232Mar 2, 20232
T.R. MuglerIndoctrination vs EducationHistory, the great teacher of repetitive patterns, is now written and rewritten in real time thanks to the technological advances that have…Aug 29, 2022Aug 29, 2022
T.R. MuglerIt Was Never About LifeAn unprecedented leak from the United States Supreme Court has women across the country panicking, certain their right to retain control…May 3, 2022May 3, 2022